Friday, September 26, 2008

Baseline (description)

I have identified the behavior to be measured as the amount of time spent on the computer after 6pm daily. The unit of measure would be in minutes.

The timing was chosen to be from 6pm - sleep time daily as
1) The time spent in school (and consequently the time spent on the computer during the morning and afternoon) differs for different days of the week. To ensure comparability among the data gathered, only the time spent on the computer after 6pm is recorded (6pm being the time after which there are no lessons).

2) There is no initial evidence to suggest that the time spent on the computer from 6pm - sleep time differs between a weekday and a weekend (and hence the behavior is measured on all 7 days of the week).

Procedures for measuring baseline:

1.Open up the excel file "HP320" immediately after logging in to the computer (prior to commencing any other activities eg. logging in to MSN)
2.Record the day and timing of log in
3.Record the timing of log off just immediately before shutting down the computer

Time frame for measurement of initial baseline: 28 Sep - 11 Oct


Venusatwork said...

Hi Songluck,

Why is it important for you to change the gaming behavior other than you need to submit an assignment? I would like to know how you think about it.

songluck said...

Hi Venus,

The decision to change the gaming behavior is due to the fact that I spend a lot of time on gaming. Consequently my grades have suffered as I do not spend enough time revising my schoolwork.

p.s. I think your question arose because the default Blogger setting was to show only 7 posts on the main page. There are actually 4 posts preceding this post and they have been archived into September 2008. The preceding posts touches on the overview of this blog, identification of problem behavior and its causes, goals of behavior modification program and commitment to change. I have since changed the Blogger setting to show all posts on the main page.
